St Faith's Anglican Church holds Holy Communion on Sundays at 9am. From 1st June 2024 the church is closed to visitors. However you can arrange a private visit or tour group visit by phoning 0210 794 298 or 021 835 733. Cost per person is $5.
You are welcome to arrange group
visits. Contact 0210 794 298 0r 021 835 733
One of our Kai Awhina, trained guides,
will host you and help you get the
most from your visit.
A member of our team of volunteers will host you when you arrive. They are church and community members who do it without any thought of reward except that of sharing this beautiful space with others.
A range of souvenirs is available, the sales of which help defray the costs of keeping the building up to standard and accessible to tourists and visitors.
All donations made at the door or through these sales are used to meet the ever-increasing maintenance costs of the building and consequently the ministry.

Many people visit just to sit quietly and pray. The peace of the church is noted by people from all over the world.
The Galilee Chapel on the east side of the church is greatly enhanced by the vision of a Maori Jesus walking on the water of Lake Rotorua has inspired visitors since its installation in 1967.